Connecting pipe.  Connecting people.

Making Safety a Priority

We provide safe PPE, safe tools, safe rigging, safe heavy equipment, safe work trucks, safety trainings, safety meetings, safety procedures… Our employee-owners are well supported so they can focus on doing their best work, knowing they are working safe.

30 Years of Safety and Counting

We continuously raise the bar on our safety standards. Our proactive approach has led to a reputation we can all be proud of. We’ll continue with “safety first” to safeguard our exceptional record for another 30 years!

A Culture of Safety

Delta has witnessed a dramatic change in how “safe” work is done over the years. We have undeniably met those challenges and strategically developed our education programs to exceed OSHA requirements. Often referred to as the “wet utility contractor of choice”, we have been awarded projects based on that safety history.

Hear What Our Clients Are Saying…